Burnt out by your baby’s night wakings and short naps?
Teach your child to sleep through the night and reclaim your sanity with 
my signature Sleep Quartet Approach in the

Infant Sleep Training Program

See Available Support Plans
Is your baby between 5 - 24 months old?

Are you struggling with these sleep challenges?

Your baby wakes up every 2 hours at night
Your baby only takes 30-min crap naps through the day
Your back is aching from constantly rocking your baby to sleep 
You feel confined to the house as your baby cannot sleep without your help
You are currently cosleeping because your baby wouldn't sleep in the crib
Your baby cannot sleep without breastfeeding 
You no longer have the time and space to connect with your partner
You are feeling exhausted and resentful due to a lack of support with your baby's sleep

If you felt "Yes, that's me!" while reading one or more of the above statements, I know exactly how you are feeling.

You have already tried every tip and trick that grandma and other mom friends had to offer, but nothing seems to work for YOUR baby.

Now you feel you simply need to wait-it-out till the fateful day your baby decides to sleep through the night. You are so tired but don't know any other way to fix it. 


Are you wondering how I am able to verbalise EXACTLY what is going on in your mind?

Because I have been where you are now - Sleep deprived and over-the-top anxious with my first born daughter. Wanting a way out but not knowing what it was. 

Coming from a South Asian family, I was told to just wait it out ("Wait till she starts solids, wait till she is 1..."). After 6 months,  I learnt my lesson that "NOTHING will change if NOTHING changes!" I knew I had to make a change for the sake of my family's sanity.

I found a life-changing breakthrough with my daughter's sleep and now I'm here to help you find yours.

Can you imagine this?

  • Your baby starts sleeping 10-12 hours straight at night
  • Your baby can fall asleep in the crib all on their own without a pacifier, rocking, nursing or being carried around for hours
  • Your baby has a predictable nap routine and is napping for 1 hour or more each time
  • You feel more rested, energetic and involved as a parent
  • You have more quality time to focus on yourself and connect with your partner

Together, let's make this a reality.

See Available Support Plans
Our daughter was used to being held to sleep and we were at our wit's end with exhaustion. [Rinie] was an absolute lifesaver in helping us teach our daughter how to self-soothe upon waking up multiple times a night.
Parveena from USA

M/O 7 month old baby girl

Our baby didn't sleep for more than 45m / 1h in a stretch and it was getting really bad for us. After the program our daughter now sleeps on her own in her own crib for around 7+ hour stretches, and she does almost 11 hours at night with the exception of 1 midnight feed.
Arnaw from India

F/O 5 month old baby girl

Why Work With Me?

Hi I'm Rinie, Certified Pediatric Sleep Constant and founder of Yawn to Dawn Consulting.

Being an Indian mom living in Singapore, I know Mom guilt is universal but the pressure of following old school practices to raise your baby is especially crippling in Indian families, regardless of where you live. 

When we share our struggle with sleepless nights, often we're told "That's just how it is in the first 2 years of a child's life." Rarely can we can concrete solutions to get more sleep along with our baby. 

I'm here to change this. I want to help South Asian families thrive, and not just survive. 

Babies are vulnerable, but so are mums after giving birth. Sleep deprivation can compromises their mental & physical well being, quality of life and can worsen post-partum depression.

I put the well-being of the whole family at the heart of my programs.

I want to bring a complete shift in sleep practices of Indian families across the world that allows babies to be well rested but without it coming at the cost of their parents' well being. 

My Credentials

Pediatric Sleep Consultant Certification by Sleep Sense 
Newborn Care Specialist Certification by Cradle Coach Academy
Member of International Association of Child Sleep Consultants
Help your baby sleep through the night with my unique 4-phase methodology:

The Sleep Quartet Approach

Create a Sleep-Inducing Environment
Optimise Sleep Routine and Nutrition
Fade Current Primary Sleep Associations 
Responsive & Gentle Sleep Training 
The perfect blend of holistic sleep transformation and gentle sleep training

Over three weeks, we will make changes to the sleep environment and habits step-by-step, minimizing stress and overwhelm.

Just like a quartet creating a symphony, our four phases harmonize to achieve uninterrupted nights for your baby.

Experience the transformation while minimising tears and maximising support during sleep training.  

From regulating her nap and feeding schedule, achieving full night sleeps to finally transitioning to two naps routine - Rinie literally changed our lives!
Magda from Singapore

M/O 6 month old baby girl

With [Rinie's] help, all of us are able to get proper night sleep without any night time wakings. Our mornings are full of energy, baby has gained appetite. His height & weight growth rate has jumped up a percentile curve.
Nishtha from Singapore

M/O 10 month old baby boy

So how does this program work?

See Available Support Plans
My baby was used to sleeping in the cradle and it was very tiring to rock the cradle whole night. Within 2 weeks our baby started falling asleep independently for both naps and bedtime. It was so overwhelming to witness this change. The change I never thought would happen 2 weeks ago.
Dorothy from India

M/O 6 month old baby girl

My son used to wake up multiple times a night and expect to be rocked back to sleep. We saw changes in his sleeping pattern in the first few days itself. Now I am well rested and so is my baby. Now I have time for date nights as well.
Shalini from Singapore

M/O 11 month old baby boy

Get unparalleled hands-on support for YOU and your little one during this process

This is not a course that just leaves you to watch videos at your own pace and has no personalised tips for your child. 

This is not a class that overwhelms you with all the information at once with no follow up. 

This is an end-to-end expert-led sleep support program.

The primary focus of my program is unparalleled hands-on support for the parents so they can support their child through this transition.

You will never feel alone and lost as I will be with you every step of the way as we make these changes to your child's sleep.

I will help you stay on track and feel confident during sleep training.

We will work as a team to navigate this life changing journey towards restful nights.

See Available Support Plans
I still thank our stars that we chose right time and right guidance. Rinie has been very supportive throughout the whole program. We couldn’t have pulled it off without her knowledge and guidance. [The] best thing about her is availability - she was always around during those challenging nights and supported our baby like her own baby.
Tanuvika from Canada

M/O 6 month old baby girl

Rinie has been a perfect guide, the most considerate and empathetic person I could have to take me through this journey. Her suggested routine, tips, tricks and consistent checks kept me going through the process and it’s changed my life. I’m in no doubt now, that the decision to sleep train my baby was the best for both of us, for our health and well being.
Suffanmeet from UK

M/O 9 month old baby boy

Rinie was constantly monitoring my baby’s progress and would keep communicating with us be it just kudos or motivating or suggestions for anything we should change.
Akshita from Singapore

M/O 7 month old baby boy

Rinie's profound knowledge, empathy and curated tips to guide our daughter gently, helped us so much to achieve the results. She was readily available for texts and calls during the training. Her timely responses filled us with confidence in executing the tips she provided.
Sunita from USA

M/O 7 month old baby girl

I would 100% recommend Rinie for her dedication, hardwork and constant support throughout the program. Can't thank you enough Rinie for helping us achieve this milestone!
Subi from India

M/O 7 month old baby girl

Support Plans and Pricing

You can choose any one of the 3 plans to suit your needs and budget -


359 USD

Budget-friendly sleep solutions with personalised action-step plan & expert checkins

  • Personalised Sleep Plan
  • 60 min video consultation
  • 1 x 30 min Follow Up Call
  • 1 week of Unlimited Text + Sleep Monitoring Support
  • 2 months of post-program email support

Comprehensive (Most Popular)

629 USD

Unparalleled support for confident sleep training success

  • Personalised Sleep Plan
  • 90 min video consultation
  • 4 x 30 min Follow Up Calls
  • 3 weeks of Unlimited Text + Sleep Monitoring Support
  • 2 months of post-program email support


739 USD

End-to-end sleep solutions with long-term support for lasting sleep habits

  • Personalised Sleep Plan
  • 90 min video consultation
  • 4 x 30 min Follow Up Calls
  • 3 weeks of Unlimited Text + Sleep Monitoring Support
  • 2 months of post-program email support


359 USD

Budget-friendly sleep solutions with personalised action-step plan & expert checkins

  • Personalised Sleep Plan
  • 60 min video consultation
  • x 30 min Follow Up Calls
  • 1 week of Unlimited Text + Sleep Monitoring Support
  • 2 months of post-program email support


629 USD

Unparalleled support for confident sleep training success

  • Personalised Sleep Plan
  • 90 min video consultation
  • 4 x 30 min Follow Up Calls
  • 3 weeks of Unlimited Text + Sleep Monitoring Support
  • 2 months of post-program email support


739 USD

End-to-end sleep solutions with long-term support for lasting sleep habits

  • Personalised Sleep Plan
  • 90 min video consultation
  • 4 x 30 min Follow Up Calls
  • 3 weeks of Unlimited Text + Sleep Monitoring Support
  • 2 months of post-program email support
Need my help in picking the right program for your family?
Book Sleep Assessment Call to Join
And thats not all!
With all plans, you will receive 4 BONUS guides to maintain great sleep:

Ready to dive in?

Book Sleep Assessment Call to Join
With Rinie's help and plan, my daughter now sleeps all night, 7pm -6.45 am, she has two 1 hour naps a day, no more feeding to sleep, no more contact napping and it takes 2 minutes to get her to sleep and we are all now so much happier and have way more energy to enjoy our time together
Rich from UK

F/O 11 month old baby girl

I understand where you are right now -
❌ You don't have the strength to wait it out for your baby's sleep to get better on its own (You're already at your breaking point)
❌ You don't have the bandwidth to do trial and error on your own to see what works (You're confused by all the information out there)
❌ You don't have the stamina to follow only gentle sleep strategies that take months to have any really impact (You've tried various tips and tricks but did not see any impact)
❌ But you also don't have the heart to let your baby cry it out alone (You simply can't shut the door on your baby and leave)
I also understand what you want - 
✅ You want to take action and fix your baby sleep ASAP (No more waiting)
✅ You want exact step-by-step guidance on what to do (No more trial & error)
✅ You want a gentle approach that feels right but also work effectively (No more uncertainty)
✅ You want to support your child through learning how to sleep independently (No CIO)

If you can relate to the above, then this is the right expert-led sleep program for your family.  

See Available Support Plans Again

Frequently Asked Questions

So are you ready to reclaim your restful nights and happy days?

See Available Support Plans Again