Hi I’m Rinie 

Certified Sleep Consultant & Newborn Care Specialist @ Yawn to Dawn
and I help exhausted families find joy in parenting again - One good night’s sleep at a time.

My story

I wasn’t the mother I knew I could be

because of the sheer sleep deprivation and exhaustion I was facing. Before I became a mom, I was not ready for the struggles that came with getting my baby to sleep (as sleep is supposed to come naturally right? WRONG!). For five challenging months, I struggled with sleepless nights and tiresome days.

That was until I sought help from a sleep consultant to sleep train my little one, and the experience was life-changing. My baby went from 5-7 night wakings to sleeping 10 hours straight at night. This remarkable experience motivated me to become a certified sleep consultant to help other families struggling with similar sleep issues.

I completed the Sleep Sense program to gain in-depth knowledge of infant and toddler sleep to help other families like mine, get the sleep success I achieved. That is how Yawn to Dawn Consulting was born.  

"What would the world look like if moms got 8 hours of sleep each night?"


Mom guilt is universal but the pressure of following old school practices to raise your child is especially crippling in South Asian families.

When we share our struggle with sleepless nights, often we're told "That's just how it is in the first 2 years of a child's life." Rarely can we can concrete solutions to get more sleep for us along with our baby. 

I'm here to change this. 

I want to help South Asian families thrive, and not just survive. 

I put the well-being of the whole family at the heart of my programs. Babies are vulnerable, but so are mums after giving birth. I want to bring a paradigm shift in sleep practices of South Asian families that allows babies to be well rested but without it coming at the cost of their parents' well being. 

I would recommend Rinie in a heartbeat to anyone struggling with their child’s sleep. I wish I had gone to her earlier but better late than never!
Aakriti from Singapore

M/O 18 month old toddler

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My Credentials

Pediatric Sleep Consultant Certification by Sleep Sense 
Newborn Care Specialist Certification by Cradle Coach Academy 
Member of International Association of Child Sleep Consultants 
Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biology (NTU)
Post Graduate in Education from NIE
Former Educator with MOE, Singapore

You can’t pour from an empty cup. So let’s fill your cup first.

Work with me to rediscover parenting as well-rested moms and dads -


Rinie is the most comforting person that I came across. It was absolutely amazing working with her.
Satinder from India

M/O 7 month old baby boy

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